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Case Study | Space Availability

Biotechnology company increases available space with amenities update



Understanding the space utilization and optimizing available space in San Francisco HQ following a shift to a flexible seating model. 



Avoided $13M annually in expansion costs by implementing amenities changes rather than expanding into additional space. 


The workplace team at a biotechnology company wanted to understand the impact of their unassigned seating policy on space utilization in their San Francisco headquarters. Traditional methods like manual surveys were insufficient for understanding the actual usage of their spaces, prompting them to seek a more effective solution.



A biotechnology company analyzed space utilization at their headquarters using the Occupancy Intelligence Platform. The data revealed inefficiencies due to areas being passively occupied by personal items instead of employees. By designating specific areas for personal belongings, the company increased workspace availability and avoided the need for additional real estate, resulting in significant cost savings.

  • Solution checkmark

    Understood active and passive occupancy

    Captured detailed data on person count, active, and passive occupancy.

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    Identified passive occupancy issue

    Identified inefficiencies in space usage due to passive occupancy by personal items.

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    Implemented amenities changes

    Created designated areas for personal belongings, enhancing workspace availability.

  • Solution checkmark

    $13M expansion cost savings

    Reduced the need for real estate expansion, leading to $13M in expansion cost savings. 


Occupancy intelligence enables workplace leaders to optimize office characteristics and amenities for employee needs.


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