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OIS Cover – 1-min

A new era of work is here. It’s flexible, dynamic, and challenging. As the evolution continues, we’re ready to introduce the next era of occupancy intelligence and want you to have a front row seat. 

On Tuesday, September 17th at 11:00a ET we're hosting the fourth Occupancy Intelligence Summit. This 2-hour, virtual event provides workplace leaders with a community of professionals eager to turn data into decisions and stories into strategies. You'll learn from real experiences that can guide, inspire, and support workplace planning, as well as witness the unveiling of our brand new platform.

Join 600+ Workplace Leaders

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Featured Speakers

Noel McNulty

Head of Global Real Estate & Workplace Operations


Mark Karma

Systems Lead for Workplace Digital Insights


Dan Ryan

CEO / Co-Founder


Kanav Dhir

VP of Product


Jarrod Easterwood

Senior Customer Success Manager


Chris Shaner

Senior Customer Success Manager


Izzy Cannel

Workplace Insights Lead


Brad Golden

Workplace Insights Lead



11:00AM - Introduction

Jarrod Easterwood | Senior Customer Success Manager

11:05AM - keynote

Dan Ryan | CEO & Co-Founder
Kanav Dhir | VP of Product

11:30AM - Customer Speaker

Navigating the New Workplace: Building an Employee Centric Strategy in a Remote-First Workplace. 

As global companies evolve their flexible workplace strategies, leaders are evaluating and redefining the purpose of the office. Noel McNulty, Head of Global Real Estate at Twilio, shares his insights on how to create spaces that support an event-based, remote-first approach. Learn how Noel and his team leveraged occupancy intelligence to transform their offices into hospitality-driven environments designed to enhance employee experience.

Noel McNulty | Head of Global Real Estate & Workplace Operations, Twilio 
Izzy Cannell | Workplace Insights Lead

12:00PM - Customer Speaker

Achieving Space Efficiency: A Playbook for Optimizing Office & Lab Spaces with Data

Supporting a complex space mix requires a comprehensive data approach. Mark Karma, Systems Lead for Workplace Digital Insights at Genentech, shares how his team leverages historical occupancy trends to gain insights into how people use office, lab, and manufacturing spaces across their portfolio. Discover how these insights enable Mark to make impactful, data-driven decisions about space planning, seat-sharing ratios, lab equipment purchases, and space design projects.

Mark Karma | Systems Lead for Workplace Digital Insights, Genentech
Chris Shaner | Senior Customer Success Manager

12:30PM - q&A panel

Uncovering Occupancy Intelligence with Workplace Experts

Join VergeSense’s Strategic Advisory Services Team—Izzy Cannell and Brad Golden—along with workplace leaders Noel McNulty and Mark Karma, for a live Q&A panel. In this interactive session, we'll uncover what workplace leaders really think about today’s hot trends and challenges. Be ready to participate in polls, discuss topics like workplace flexibility, neighborhood planning, and capacity, and even have the chance to join us on stage to share your thoughts and opinions. 

Noel McNulty | Head of Global Real Estate & Workplace Operations, Twilio 
Mark Karma | Systems Lead for Workplace Digital Insights, Genentech
Izzy Cannell | Workplace Insights Lead
Brad Golden | Workplace Insights Lead

12:55PM - Closing Statement

Jarrod Easterwood | Senior Customer Success Manager

Attendees from:

Companies attending the Summit like Morgan Stanley, BU, IBM, Adobe, etc.

What Attendees are Saying

“Diane's example of how to get executive buy-in was very insightful and I'll be taking pointers for my upcoming project.”

“The industry has been overly indexed on in-person events and panels, the fact that the summit is virtual makes attendance a breeze and really helps more workplace leaders learn from each other.”

“This is the first summit I've attended...at first I thought it was going to be a lot of product pushing, but 5 mins in I realized it was completely different. Lots of great knowledge, where do I sign up for the next one?”

Occupancy Intelligence Index 4th Edition

Largest first-party space utilization data set in the world

Unlock the world’s largest first-party space utilization data with our exclusive report. Sign up now for immediate access to the on-demand webinar and the 4th Edition of The Occupancy Intelligence Index. Discover 2024's emerging trends and expert insights today.

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