Compare booking data to actual space usage data to understand the effectiveness of your space usage policies.
Automatically ingest and analyze booking data from your booking systems in real-time. By comparing booking trends with actual space usage from area sensors, you'll be ready to optimize your most expensive spaces with precision.
Orchestrate and automate critical workflows across dozens of native integrations and open APIs to save time, reduce costs, and improve experience.
Automatically book and release meetings as your teams move throughout the office. If VergeSense area sensors detect human presence, autorelease conference rooms with ghosted bookings, or automatically reserve a room. Your team will thank you.
Kiosk Lite allows your teams to easily find individual or collaborative workplaces at a glance with a real-time view of the office powered by occupancy intelligence. And because area sensors can detect passive occupancy when someone leaves a jacket, laptop, or bag in a space - the space will be made unavailable.
Streamline how you make workplace decisions with a single platform and understand space usage trends across your portfolio.
Learn more about use cases, supported space types, security & privacy, platform features, and more.