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VergeSense is the industry leader in providing enterprises with a true understanding of their occupancy and how their offices are actually being used.

Space Availability | Intelligent Space Design

How to Use Data to Improve Employee Experience and Increase Productivity: Lessons from VergeSense Life Sciences Customers

February 7th, 20245 min read

Space Availability

Do I Need More Small Meeting Rooms? How to Find Your Answer

January 17th, 20244 min read

Space Availability

4 Solutions for Meeting Room Squatting

December 21st, 20235 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation

Office Ghostbusters: A Step-by-Step Guide to Ending Ghost Meetings with VergeSense

December 14th, 20236 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation

Banishing Ghost Meetings: Maximizing Efficiency and Employee Experience in the Modern Workplace

December 11th, 20235 min read

Space Availability | Intelligent Space Design

How Pharmaceutical & Life Science Companies Optimize their Spaces with VergeSense

September 21st, 20238 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

How Miro is Redefining Workspaces Through Experimentation

September 20th, 20234 min read


How Do I Redeploy my Existing Sensors to Another Space?

July 13th, 20234 min read

Stay up to date on all things VergeSense including new content, product updates, and more.

Space Availability | Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

How Can I Use Data to Make my Workplace More Sustainable?

July 12th, 20236 min read

Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations

How Can I Make My CRE Portfolio More ESG-Friendly?

July 6th, 20235 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

Using Data to Optimize Flexible Work

June 29th, 20234 min read

Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

How Can I Make My Workplace More Sustainable?

June 28th, 20237 min read

Space Availability | Intelligent Space Design

How Can I Get People Back Into the Office?

June 28th, 20234 min read


Which VergeSense Installation Method is Right for Me?

June 15th, 20233 min read


In Which Spaces do your Sensors Work?

June 14th, 20233 min read

Intelligent Space Design | Product

What Mounting Methods are Available?

June 12th, 20234 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

How Can I Make Sure My Team Can Always Find Space to Work?

May 31st, 20238 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

How Many Scheduled Meetings are Ghosted?

May 16th, 20234 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation

What Days and Times are Most Popular to Work in the Office?

May 9th, 20233 min read

Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design | Product

What is the Environmental Impact of Battery-Powered Sensors?

May 5th, 20233 min read