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Dynamic Operations (3)
Occupancy Intelligence Resources

Space Availability | Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

10 Data-Powered Strategies to Transform Your Office into a Competitive Advantage

March 31st, 20217 min read

Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

The VergeSense Return to Work Framework

February 5th, 20215 min read

Space Availability | Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design | Product

Considering Unassigned Seating? 4 Ways Occupancy Sensors Can Help

September 17th, 20204 min read

Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

The New Workplace Normal Shines a Spotlight on Employee Health

August 5th, 20207 min read

Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design | Product

Back to the Office: A Sensor & Proptech Buyer’s Guide

June 11th, 20207 min read

Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

The VergeSense COVID-19 Toolkit: 5 Ways to Ensure a Safe Office Re-entry

April 29th, 20205 min read

Dynamic Operations | Product

HVAC Occupancy Sensors: How to Unlock Savings

December 6th, 20184 min read

Dynamic Operations

AI, IoT and Smart Buildings: Moving Beyond Sensors to Actionable Insights

November 8th, 20184 min read

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