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Portfolio Evaluation (2)
Occupancy Intelligence Resources

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations | Product

Thermal vs. Optical Sensors

March 16th, 202311 min read

Portfolio Evaluation

How Can I Use Occupancy Data to Optimize My Portfolio?

March 2nd, 20236 min read

Neighborhood Planning | Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations | Product

WiFi Data and Occupancy Sensors

February 23rd, 20238 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

Do I Need Sensors if Occupancy is Low?

January 23rd, 20234 min read

Portfolio Evaluation

Inconsistent Occupancy Has Changed Portfolio Evaluation Standards

January 17th, 20234 min read

Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

Flexible Spaces Are Becoming The New Normal

January 17th, 20233 min read

Neighborhood Planning | Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design | Product

The Guide to Occupancy Sensors for Your Workplace

December 12th, 202210 min read

Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

The Secret to Getting C-Suite Buy-in For New Workplace Decisions

November 18th, 20225 min read

Stay up to date on all things VergeSense including new content, product updates, and more.

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

Best Practices for Bringing Employees Back to the Office

November 18th, 20226 min read

Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

Five Experiments For Building Your New Workplace Standards For 2023

October 31st, 202214 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation

How Much Office Space Do You Really Need?

October 3rd, 20227 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation

How to Build a Supply and Demand Model for Forecasting Office Space

September 23rd, 20227 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation

Occupancy Data Shows APAC is Leading the Way With 214% Growth in Workplace Utilization

September 1st, 20227 min read

Portfolio Evaluation

5 Signs You're Overspending on your Real Estate Portfolio

August 25th, 20228 min read

Portfolio Evaluation

Here's Why Europe is Leading the Return to Office

July 26th, 20225 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations

The Hidden Cost of Ghosted Meetings

July 19th, 20227 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design

Want to Drive Workplace ROI? Invest in Data

June 10th, 20226 min read

Space Availability | Neighborhood Planning | Portfolio Evaluation | Dynamic Operations | Intelligent Space Design | Product

The Ultimate Guide to Workplace Sensors

May 25th, 20229 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

Here's What The Future Of Work Looks Like

May 24th, 20224 min read

Space Availability | Portfolio Evaluation | Intelligent Space Design

4 Ways to Optimize the Employee Experience

April 22nd, 20226 min read